New certificate
Admin at 2014-12-28
A new certificate was installed today.
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AnandTech 2005-09-11 Hard- and software news.
ArsTechnica 2006-07-19
Coffee & sperm 2003-10-16 Coffee Makes Sperm go Faster, says New Scientist
HardOCP 2005-09-11 overclocking etc.
IngeniørenNet 2003-07-23 Ingeniørernes fagavis netudgave.
OSnews 2003-06-18 Great site with news on operating systems.
SlashDot 2003-08-15 News for nerds.
SMTP og TDC 2004-11-20 TDC lukker port 25 for at undgå zombier
StorageReview 2011-08-13 About all sorts of storage media - HDD and SSD
The Inquirer 2007-06-23 Tech news
The Register 2003-06-18 Good site with the latest in IT news.
Version2 2009-10-11 edb-tillæg

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